Composts enrich any soil type. They each contain nutrients that can be essential to excellent plant growth and survival. If creating your own compost pile, any of our compost choices can be added to aid in the composting process.
Peat Moss
Help with aeration of root systems
Increases water retention which reduces frequency of watering
In sandy soils, peat moss helps hold moisture
Gives loamy texture for easier planting
Available in 3 sizes: 1cf, 2.2cf, 3.8cf
Compost with Manure
Excellent source of nutrients such as sulfur, calcium and magnesium
Manure helps hold nutrients in the soil
Contains humus which naturally holds nutrients
Retains moistures which reduced frequency of watering
Helps to loosen and aerate compacted soil
Composted Manure
Natural soil additive
Increases nutrient value
Improves soil texture
3/4 cf bag
Organic Blend 5
Nutrient rich from composted material
Contains peat moss to retain moisture
1 cf bag
Happy Gardener Pine Fines
Lightens soil to promote strong roots
Mix into soil to lighten clay-type soils
1 cf bag
Great additive to your natural soil with new planting